I've personally been a Realtor for almost 10 years now and an investor for 25 years. Having said that knowing the sales and wholesale market can make you a lot of money as a realtor. Their is a lot of knowledge and hard work that always need to be done, but the benefits far out weigh all the other stuff.
I started a dog food business in 1992 http://www.gooberpetdirect.com/ and grew that business to 6000 clients and $1 million in gross sales. When I opened the business I realized that clients bought other products other than dog food. For example dogs like biscuits, bones and treats. People that have dogs also may have a variety of other pets cats, birds, fish, hamsters, etc.
I figured that if they walked into another pet store to buy those other products then they may go ahead and get their dog food too. That meant that they would not buy from me and I would loss a client I worked hard through advertising to get.
Being a realtor I applied the same rules I did in my pet food business. My main business is investors. I also have a retail real estate business that helps me keep in touch with what people want in this and any other market. My opionion is that I do not want to loose any money. PLus retail clients sometimes turn into investors. I've had one retail client that I've made over $35,000 with.
I've also included construction, property management, short sales, trustee auctions and membership club http://www.rooftopprofitmax.com/ that investors can join and plug into all my companies. I call that the turn key system.
My methods have help me make it through the tough markets with flying colors. Yes it's hard work that keeps me very busy, but my methods would be the same in any other business I started. These methods help you keep on top the game. That's why I'm both in the retail and investor real estate market.
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment