Sunday, December 27, 2009

Being a realtor for retail and investment homes

I've personally been a Realtor for almost 10 years now and an investor for 25 years. Having said that knowing the sales and wholesale market can make you a lot of money as a realtor. Their is a lot of knowledge and hard work that always need to be done, but the benefits far out weigh all the other stuff.

I started a dog food business in 1992 and grew that business to 6000 clients and $1 million in gross sales. When I opened the business I realized that clients bought other products other than dog food. For example dogs like biscuits, bones and treats. People that have dogs also may have a variety of other pets cats, birds, fish, hamsters, etc.

I figured that if they walked into another pet store to buy those other products then they may go ahead and get their dog food too. That meant that they would not buy from me and I would loss a client I worked hard through advertising to get.

Being a realtor I applied the same rules I did in my pet food business. My main business is investors. I also have a retail real estate business that helps me keep in touch with what people want in this and any other market. My opionion is that I do not want to loose any money. PLus retail clients sometimes turn into investors. I've had one retail client that I've made over $35,000 with.

I've also included construction, property management, short sales, trustee auctions and membership club that investors can join and plug into all my companies. I call that the turn key system.

My methods have help me make it through the tough markets with flying colors. Yes it's hard work that keeps me very busy, but my methods would be the same in any other business I started. These methods help you keep on top the game. That's why I'm both in the retail and investor real estate market.

Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment

Friday, December 18, 2009

Investors at Christmas time

The thing I always enjoy about Christmas and the Holiday season is the optimism. As Investors that's always the way you should fell about the upcoming year.

Lets look at some great things that could happen next year if your optimistic. Low interest rates that flow to the private borrowers. In America their is still a ton of money and people who want to buy their own home or investment property. Getting credit flowing is one of the things I'm optimistic on.

I also am optimistic that prices of homes will stabilize and start moving up. That's why we are buying homes now. We are optimistic that prices will eventually go up. Getting the quality of homes that we are getting at the prices we are paying gives up great optimism.

I optimistic that profits for investors will go up. When prices start going up and the inventory gets lower investors have a lot more options. You can sell your property or option your home to a qualified buyer for great profit. I am optimistic that the inventory of homes will go down next year.

I am also optimistic that the job market will get better. More jobs mean more money and buyers.

These are just a few things that I am optimistic about. I am also very optimistic that everyone who reads my blog will have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

I look forward to the new year and all it has to offer. So embrace the challenges that life brings you. Never be worried after all life is very temporary. Brett Young

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2009 in real estate

This year has been a lot about changes. We've had changes in the real estate business that makes us all change the way we think about real estate.

For example values have dropped 40%-60% from their highs. Some people think about that as something awful. Losing equity and having your loan upside down is not a good thing. I've talked to many people that are letting their property go to foreclosure or short sale.

Investors have a lot to think about in this market. Should they keep the homes they have and continue to wait for property values to come back? Or do they dump their property and move on with life? Each decision should be based on their situation.

Today's market allows you to buy options(cheap homes) that helps you hedge your portfolio with real estate that makes money on rent and they have a great equity position.

I believe this market is poised to make investors a great return. Yes home prices have dumped a lot in some areas, but rent has not fallen that much compared to the retail sale prices on real estate. This makes holding a property profitable. It's called cash flow!

For that reason me and my investors continue to buy homes. We can buy a home remodeled for $20,000-$40,000. These homes get $600-$1000 a month in rent. The values are at least double to what we pay for them. That's a win win situation for the investor.

These deals will not last forever, prices will stabilize and everyone will be saying the same thing. I wish I would've bought back then if I had of I would be rich.

I've been doing this for 24 years and have seen up and down markets. Buying condos in Phoenix Arizona in the 1980's was cheap. $15,000-$30,000 per unit. I had people lines up to rent these units out. They later became worth a lot more and I sold them! That's called cash flow with a great end game.

So when you start planning your investing next year don't forget that real estate is still a great way to create wealth for your portfolio.

Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Rooftop Reason

When I created a company like rooftop my only mission was to make investors money. I live in Phoenix Az and 3 years ago I could not recommend that you buy in the Phoenix Area. So I started looking in other areas to buy real estate at really reasonable prices. I have always believed that if you always have the investor in mind and get them a quality product then everyone will always make money. As a realtor and investor that was my only goal.

I started traveling the country looking for the best areas and deals. Not only did I look at the real estate, but other key components had to be in place. For example you need construction, Property Management, and knowledgeable Realtors.

Setting all these programs up took considerable time and effort. As an investor I always bought in the area first to make sure it worked. That's right I put my money into each city I've recommended. A lot of so called investment clubs have people running the program that have never or are not currently buying investment property.

That is the total difference with Rooftop.....We get you the investment properties that make you money. We buy directly from the bank at no mark up to you. That means if we get the home for $15,000 that's what you get it for. We've bought over 300 units and understand the market very well. We currently are buying in the Midwest and Phoenix Area.

If your wanting to get going in the investment world and been to all the other so called gurus. Check out the Rooftop Profit Max difference!
Brett Young Valley Realty