Their is a lot of people and companies out there that promise you a quick profit and off the charts cash flow. You don't even need to work if you don't want to. Oh yeah no experience necessary. Ever heard that? I've opened two very successful companies and helped build two other very successful business's with my Dad . I can tell you with all that experience that you do need experience.
Getting experience is easy just stick with something you like and you'll get very good at it. I've been doing real estate investing for 25 years and have experience. I can tell you some of it was very fun and some of it totally sucked.
When problems arise you need to solve them or have someone that can solve them for you. When you graduate to this level you become successful at what your doing. Most people and business owners run from problems that's why they will probably never be successful, but the ones that take them head on will be successful.
Example: When Donald Trump was all but finished he met with that banks and did some pretty awesome things. He became a problem solver and now a billionaire because he didn't rin from his problems. Another would be Tony Robbins he went broke and took a long trip came back problem solved. He started his now famous business problem solved.
Taking the attitude that you will not fail and that you can handle every problem that comes your way will always make you successful!
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment