Football and real estate
If you are a football fan you either have a winning or losing team. You proably could wager a bet for your team if they were a winner. I doubt you'd bet if you had a losing team. I know people who do but their not very successful.
If you want to be or are a real estate investor you need a winning team on your side. Winning is everything in real estate. Having a team that will find the best real estate available is a must if you are investing your hard earned money. A lot of companies say they know investment real estate, but do they have a system?
Rooftopinvestment does just that we've created a system that looks at spreads, quality areas, rental rates, taxes, and of course our investors net cash flows. Our systems help ensure our investors have a 15%-18% rental returns. That is not counting the equity position just the rate of return on your rent.
The other part of a winning team is keeping your investment in budget. We have a 99% success rate on keeping our investors projects in budget. We've done over 100 properties in this area and 600+ all over the united states.
Keeping your investment in budget is a huge bonus. We use licensed and bonded contractors to rehab our projects. All our homes are inspected by us and our property management company.
In the Point of Sale areas all permits and city inspections are done. This ensures 2 things, that your home was inspected and permitted through the city.
We also turn on your utilities, help you with your insurance, and help you lower property taxes with our legal team. We also have a private property management team. We collect over $1,000,000 in gross rental receipts.. The other important factor, we do is market your property to ensure it gets rented or lease optioned quickly and stay that way.
Our marketing system is state of the art and we have a full staff of people to show and close the deal. We have a strict background and credit check on your potential tenant.
The last thing you need to remember is the maintenance of your property. This can be costly if your not with the right team behind you. Our team keeps your property maintained at a great price. Remember when you buy with our team your with 100's of other properties that we manage. This helps us get you the best prices for your repairs.
Having a winning team
Rooftopinvestment on your side helps your investment to produce a more consistent monthly cash flow. Check out some of our homes at
rooftopvideo Brett young Valley Realty