Sunday, April 29, 2012
Investment Real Estate+IRA=Retirement
Friday, April 27, 2012
Duplex $50k 19% return No POS deposit
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Different Strategies for Investment Real Estate

I read a lot of investment strategies consist of the same cities over and over again. The strategies allow for many investors to get information to buy these areas. My strategies has always been to find areas that generate massive income and a relatively unknown to the real estate investment world.
In the Cleveland Ohio area are suburbs that have what's called the point-of-sale. This allows these neighborhoods to stay or pristine condition and generate high rental Rolls.
The Cleveland area is the only area that has a system in place in the United States of America. You can go to a lot of subdivisions and see the different type of homes one may be in great shape and the next may look horrible. That does not happen in the point-of-sale areas.
Let me give you a couple of examples I sold over 300 homes in the Phoenix Arizona market and there were always great homes in the subdivisions I purchased. There was always one home that either had a horrible yard, broken down car, or just look run down. In the point-of-sale areas(cities which I've enclosed a great slideshow to show you the subdivisions in) this does not happen. What does happen is he area stay very pristine and you do not have that neighbor that makes a whole area would bad.
The other obvious factor is the quality of the homes and the net result of your cash flow. We consistently run 15% or better on our returns and have plenty of inventory for you to buy. This is not mean that every other house foreclose on this just a great time and inventory to purchase real estate in these point-of-sale areas.
I know in the Phoenix Arizona market is very hard to buy a investment home right now because as I said before everybody's talking about the strategies and investment real estate. Phoenix Arizona happens a be one of their strategies to buy. Not a bad strategy I admit, but you have a ton of other real estate investors that are bidding on the same property you are. So getting a property is sometimes very difficult.
In the Cleveland suburbs you'll have to do that which saves you immense amount of money on your real estate investment. This allows you to buy lower and have money to buy more homes. You're looking at finished investment homes and duplexes that start at $40,000. These are homes would cost you double to triple anywhere else. And are starting rents are $850 per month and goes high as $1450 per. They cash Flow at 15%-25%.
So when you're send up your strategy for new investments consider the Cleveland suburbs and the great resources that we have for you to purchase these types of homes. I've enclosed a link for this weeks great home were offering as a special. Brett young Valley Realty
Friday, April 20, 2012
Great cash flow Home $39K Tenant included!
Get this home for $39,000
Spacious single family Bungalow with 3 bedroom’s and 1 ½ baths. This home has a a large back deck in the private back yard, newer roof and windows. This home is currently rented out by a section 8 tenant for $873 a month.
This home is in the Maple Heights Ohio area and is finished with a renter already in place. There is no point of sale money for this property in very minor if any repair. They have already rehabbed this house that has already been inspected by the city and passed. This home has a section 8 renter and has passed the section 8 inspection. The total rent for this home is $873 a month.
This home is on a very quality Street and neighborhood that rents very easily the cash flow 16%. We have very few of these type of properties that already finished and reasonable to buy. So if you want to start cash flow immediately then this is your home.
As I said before there are very few of these at we get in our inventory and we got an exceptional by on this home and we are passing the savings onto you are investors.
Check out the numbers!
After Expenses Positive Cash Flow over $630.
Rent ----------------------------------------------------------- $ 873
Taxes ---$2550 a year ----------------------------------------------------------- $ 212
Prop Management ---------------------------------------------------------------- $ 87
Insurance -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 40
Positive Cash Flow ---------------------------------------------------------------- $ 534
Net Return ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 %
Call Brett 602-363-6551 or Lori 480-694-3735
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Best Cash Flow Properties in America!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Huge 22% Return Property
$10,000 Duplex deal!
This is a great duplex in Cleveland Heights Ohio, these units will rent for $700 per unit and will cash flow over $900 net per month. The purchase price is $10,000 and the total price with rehab is $50,000. You will get a completely remodeled duplex that will cash flow $10,800 per year for $50,000. We also have a limited liability company set up for you on this property. That is included in the price.
Also included is an insurance policy that will guarantee rent for six months after we get a rented. We will cover that policy for the first year. Just so you know this property will net cash flow you 22% a year! Try to get that the stock market or bond market we aim to please our clients with the finest real estate in America. This property as you'll see in the video is in a great neighborhood and a great Street. We will give very quality tenants for these units.
So call Brett to reserve this duplex 602 – 363 – 6551
Lakewood Ohio Duplex $1100 per month Net
We have two great deals this week in the first one is a duplex in the Lakewood Ohio area that will cash flow net $1100 per month. This property will rent for $1650 per month and is worth in today's market $110,000 – $120,000. We just rented out a duplex both units two bedroom one bath for $700 per unit per month. These are all cash renters and the area is in very very high demand.
I should mention the duplex we just rented out in Lakewood is only 50% done and we already have deposits on both units. I've enclosed the video of that property below so you can see how far along we are on it.
So if you want very high demand properties then Lakewood is your area for duplexes. This duplex with purchase and rehab will cost you $72,000 total. Let's look at the returns on the rent you have a 15% return in on the equity you have a 64% return. Wow that is amazing, this is a truly very quality very nice area that is in great demand and we can rent all the duplexes we can buy. Click below to view this property.
Click here to Get started Investing Today!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Five things you must look at before you purchase a investment property

Five things you must look at before you purchase a investment property
The first thing you definitely want to look at is the quality of the neighborhood and the property. This is important to make sure you get consistent rents in the area your purchasing your property in. I personally like more established areas because of the age and I can get a better idea of how good the neighborhood really is. Example if you have a more established neighborhood mature properties you get a better idea how the area upkeep will be. Newer areas sometimes look great at first but suffer later because of bad buyers and people not desiring the area a longer.
The second thing you need to look at is the numbers, a lot of homes look great at first, but you need to see what the profit will be before you fall in love with the property. I always look at the rent minus the insurance, taxes, and property management. This will give you a great idea of your net profit if you don't have a mortgage on your property. I always stay with the best priced homes in the best priced areas so in this story we will be talking about cash deals
The third thing you must have is a good team around you to handle all the issues associated with your investment property. Most investors sometimes forget what they will need two years down the line after the property needs a little maintenance. So make sure you have a great team to handle all your construction, purchase, maintenance, insurance, property management, and all the other little issues that might arise while you have your cash flow property.
Number four would be the return on the investment property that you're buying. In this market although I think we have a short time left should be around 12% or better. That does not include the equity position in the property is just the rental or lease option return that you're getting at this time. With the market the way it is today you need great returns because of the lack of lending for home buyers in this market. That's why investors are prospering so much in this market because of the high rate of returns in some areas. Our team buys in the Cleveland Ohio area suburbs and we average 15% or better on our properties
The number five reason and final one for this story is being able to get properties. In this market. I know in some areas is hard to buy the property especially investment property. So make sure when you go to an area they have a decent amount of inventory. You need to be able to buy as many homes you want and be comfortable that you can get enough properties to add your portfolio. A lot of investment strategies go right out the window if you can't buy any properties. So be sure that the area you want has the inventory for you to continue investing for the long term.
One final addition is to make sure you stay in larger cities. I like 1 million or more. This ensures you have a large pool of tenants to choose from. You will also get better prices on the maintenance issues.
If you want to go see in our areas please check out I have a lot of homes on their and areas can see. You can also check out some of my great deals just click here to view. Brett young Valley Realty
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Guaranteed Cash Flow
One guaranteed rent for the first six months we now offer that option for clients. We have a great new insurance program that guarantees your rent for six months. Here's how works after we get it rehabbed and rented we will make sure and pay for insurance to cover your rent for the first year.
This insurance covers six months of unpaid rent which helps you maximize your cash flow. We are not saying you're going to use it we just putting it with your investment property to ensure that you have the cash flow security.
So with your purchase we will pay the first year's premium for your rental insurance and we will also get you a great deal to boot.
Want to get in to the most lucrative rental market in the nation, you found it ! We consistently make 15% or better on rental returns and these homes are in great neighborhoods that demand high rents.
We have consistently done that for the last four years and with our turnkey system you to can put your investment in turbo overdrive.
Look at our featured properties below that you can purchase now, these properties are very hot properties that we had to tie up immediately in order to offer them to our clients. So please take a look and call me yet 440-317-0977
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Why Invest in Real estate in Cleveland Area

Cleveland Ohio is a very diverse workforce including Cleveland clinic just did a $400 million addition. They have their own private airport and police force in one other very large facilities. They are world renowned in the medical field. The Cleveland clinic has multiple campuses throughout the Cleveland area.
Another large employer is Progressive Insurance which has their corporate headquarters in the Cleveland area. They are located in Mayfield Ohio and are one of the largest employers in the Cleveland area.
We also have University hospital which is just finished a cancer clinic and they have multiple campuses throughout the Cleveland Ohio area. Their main corporate office is in Shaker Heights Ohio a suburb of Cleveland. They employ thousands of people.
There are also 25 universities and colleges in the Cleveland area including Cleveland state, John Carroll College, Case Western, and many other facilities to attend. These universities and colleges employ thousands of people and are doing a record attendance in this economy.
Cleveland also has Morton salt and Cargill they mine salt underneath Lake Erie and employ thousands of people.
We also have a large steel mill that is currently adding over 750 jobs in the Cleveland area and has Arcola aluminum company right next to it also.
The Ford plant that builds Taurus is also adding 700+ jobs for a new transmission line for one of their new lines of vehicles.
Cleveland also has many other resources for jobs such as Stouffer's frozen food owned by the Nestlé company, there is a large Hyundai parts plant, and many other large facilities that make Cleveland a great employment area.
Our employment is at 7.7% currently which is underneath the national average of 8.3%.
The Cleveland area also has a large diverse entertainment industry including one of the best theater and Symphony districts in the nation.
Other forms of entertainment are Lake Erie which has many private and public beaches to enjoy, Cleveland zoo, rock 'n roll Hall of Fame, Boston Mills ski resort, festivals, science center, professional football, professional baseball, professional basketball and many very unique eateries to choose from.
The diverse population in the Cleveland area is moving toward the white-collar section and many professionals and companies are moving here simply because of the cost of living and the amenities that Cleveland offer. The international airport ,great highway system and great hotels to stay at makes Cleveland one of the best and most affordable places to do business.
We have very quality neighborhoods that generate 14% or more on just rental returns. The quality of the neighborhoods are second to none and these homes are a lush very nice streets. The suburbs have the only point-of-sale system in the United States making the neighborhoods stay very nice and collecting very high rents. Our average cash flow on a home is $600 plus net a month, rents range from $950-$1100 per month.
We also have areas that require more capital but have returns 16% or better and are very quality neighborhoods. The cash flow on these products are $800 net a month and up. Rents start at $1350 per month.
So you can see we cater to all aspects of investments, and understand that the cash flow and quality of the product is the bottom line to your success. We have set up a very turnkey system that handles all aspects of your investment property and will take care of all your investment needs. We also have a large inventory of homes and can easily get you a great buy. our properties stay within budget and get done on a very consistent time.
We have over 30 years of experience in the investment real estate market and have purchased over 600 investment homes since the year 2000. So please consider us for your investment source we have the contracting, licenses realtors, licensed property management, maintenance company, and will help you with all your administrative needs. Brett Young
Look at this weeks deals