As you well know, real estate values are currently down and the lending industry is in turmoil. Access to money is a key factor to this current crisis. When that issue is corrected though the market will turn quickly. Maybe not to the point of our recent boom days, but we should still see 5-8% growth per year.
By buying now, you can lock in the lowest prices we have ever seen! Over the years, America’s wealthiest families have gotten that way through real estate. When times are bad, they invest. Warren Buffet is a wealthy businessman whom I admire greatly. He just purchased $5 Billon in Goldman Sachs. Mr. Buffet not closing up his wallet in this economy and neither should we.
Making money in life is only done when you act on good investments. I believe that the best investments are in real estate. The great thing about real estate is that you are the one in control. You do not have a $100 million CEO making the decisions for you. You control your destiny and it is time to take charge!
Today’s TV business news is filled with “gloom and doom”. I am amazed at the age of the analyst, they are young and inexperienced, yet they are the “experts”. How many deals have
they done? Their knowledge is based only theory. I would much rather rely on experience.
I figured out a along time ago that these people are not the people you want to listen too! There are plenty of people that can tell me how not to do something. I always look for the ones that tell me how!
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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