Starting your own business in real estate can be tough if you don't have the right tools. I'm going to gear my, “Starting Your Business”, series toward investors and real estate professionals. There are three common problem areas when starting any business. They involve emotion, confidence, and lack of follow up. The emotional part is maybe the hardest. As with most small businesses, you are the key representative. It is you and the public’s perception of you that can make or break your business. If you allow your emotions to take the lead this may affect what a client thinks of you and your business. For example, if you’re upset about a family, business or any other matter, shelve it when you are talking to a client. Think of that conversation as a business transaction. Business is business, personal issues have no part in it. You might be saying, “Wow, that’s impossible!”. Not if you want to succeed. Statistically, that client will mention you to at least 2-3 of their friends or acquaintances. What they get from their interaction with you will echo on and can have lasting effects. As a real estate professional, you are going to have some bad days, that's life. But don't get so emotional that no one wants to do business with you.Confidence is also very important to making it in your own business. Getting up every day and hitting the ground running is so essential to you success. I get up each day with one thing on my mind, ‘What can I do to marketing my company today’. If I do not generate new business every day, I will fail very quickly. You are probably wondering what this has to do with confidence? In business, getting sales and new leads gives you the confidence to keep going in the real estate business. The more business you do, the more money you make, and the more confident you become.The last thing I will talk about is follow-up! Follow-up is key to both getting new clients and retaining old ones. Always keep in contact with your clients. Touch base on a regular basis. I do that through monthly meetings, my website, newsletters and email. Follow-up is especially important with new leads. Make sure to call or email all your new leads. And give them a personal touch. Let them know that you truly care. Once they know you are invested in them, you will be surprised how many will convert. Taking a few extra minutes to do this is always worth it. You never know when they will respond. I had an opportunity that I blew off. It was a short selling. I thought it would just take up too much of my time and that the money was not worth it. I was wrong. I discovered that my friend had a short sale system that works very well, and it would take very little effort from me. That business opportunity has since yielded 4 listings and the possibility of making $12,000-$25,000 extra. So following up in your real estate business will get you more business in areas you may never have known about.
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investmenthttp://www.brettayoung.com/
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