Doing any business can take a lot of time. I mean you don't get a product and start a website that sells that product and get immediate profit. It takes a lot of time and effort.
Having the time to meet with clients and do proper marketing can take a lot of time. Clients time is valuable and you need to make sure you or someone in your organization has the time to meet with clients.
Marketing is probably the most important thing to focus on when you open a business. This does take time and some dough. Unless you understand the Internet it can be costly. A site I like to use in Elance it has a lot of vendors that help you with your venture. It also allows a lot of people to bid your project.
Running day to day need to be consistent. Answering the phone can sometimes be a challenge. Their are services out their that will answer the phone and email you the calls. Make sure their professional and do their job, good news is that they can cost as little as $50.00 per month.
Setting up email campaigns is very important. Once you have a potential client email you need to make sure you stay in contact with them. You can do this through services like Icontact and other similar types of email services. Those services allow you to send a weekly ad to your potential client, this lets your potential clients see what your doing and may get them off the fence and start giving you business.
These are just a few things you can do to get your business going. Just remember a business doesn't take just overnight it takes a lot of time and effort to be successful. Brett Young Valley Realty WWW.Rooftopinvestment.com
Brett young
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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