I have been collecting videos and pictures for my business for a lot of years. Videos/Pictures can help you look at the property in a different forum. If you have a lot of people at the property when you are looking at it, you may not see everything during that time. The video will help you see it all again at your convince and pick up on some things you may not have seen before.
It's also a great place for history of projects you've done. I remember at one seminar I personally ran a video of some neighborhoods I liked. I noticed a great attention from the crowd on that video. It worked I sold 6 properties that night.
I also created a website for my videos. This site allows you to look at some of the properties we have done. It also allows my clients to always have a place to see their properties. They can also view some other properties in different areas that may interest them. I will be adding exciting new stuff to that site as it matures.
When I want to sell or land contract a home I post it on another site. This site is just for rent to own properties.
This lets my sales people have a place for potential buyers to go and view the video and pictures of the property before they see the property. This saves gas and time. It also makes you look professional and you can explain the details of each deal. The price and the down payment, this will screen your lookers out quickly.
The site also has all the other properties that are rent to own and their details. The potential client can view all our current properties and decide which one fits their needs and pocket book! So either way we get a sale for our client!
One last place I post videos is Facebook I have a special website with all my educational videos on that site Another resource for my clients and potential clients to see what Rooftopinvestment is doing.
I also post videos and Webinar's on this blog to help you see some of the great ideas in real estate investing we have. I hope you enjoy and learn from them.
So there you go Videos are a great source for you to be updated and keep others updated in what's going on their project. Brett Young Rooftopinvestment.com
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