I believe you can make a lot of money in this market. Some say this down market has a long way to go. Does it? 1 year ago 30 day late foreclosures were 16% of the market. Today it is 8% according to USA Today a story by Julie Schmit.
Her analysis says that delinquent homes are basically all down. What does that say to an investor or should say anyway, is better get going. Some people look at this market as awful and hopeless. As an investors we should look at it as an opportunity. Buying investment real estate has never been so affordable.
People need a place to live, that's why real estate is always a great investment. Real estate is really a commodity that you can purchase without any time limits. You can lease option it or rent it until the values start going up and then you can decide to sell or keep cash flowing. Like a commodity there are two things that need to happen before prices can go up.
Lending must be more available to good credit people. The mortgages have to be reasonable rates and reasonable down payments. In my opinion the rates need to stay under 8%-9% and allow buyers to put down 5%-20%. The higher rate will be OK because of the decrease of values on residential homes(the payments will still be reasonable). Homes that were $100,000-$250,000 are now a lot cheaper than the peak of the market, in some cases over 50% cheaper. The higher rates will bring in more investors into the market, that would want to get back into the mortgage game with those higher returns. So all in all a win win for the market more money more loans and better returns for lenders.
The second thing that needs to happen is the inventory of homes needs to decrease to the buyers in the market. The buyers need to have fewer options and have to make decisions to buy or start losing the good homes. Basically the days on market to sell a home will be 30-60 days at that point. In the peak of the market most homes would sell in 30 days or less. In a normal market 30-60 days is great. You say how will I know when inventory starts going down? Watch days on market. When it gets to 90 days or less the home market will definitely be on the up swing.
I know what your thinking what about the investors? What will they do when the market changes? Being a investor myself I would only say stay tuned to the market, and investors will always be in it.
I also want to share with you my new videos on Financial Freedom Act. Just click on the link and watch the different things you need to know to be a solid investor.
Thanks Brett Young www.Rooftopprofitmax.com
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