Speculators vs Investors
Speculators are investors that think they know the future. Most don’t. My investing is based on today. What are rents, values, etc. today not what they maybe in the future. I hear investors and wholesalers tell people that this home will be worth this after you remodel and put a lot of your money into it. I always wonder if that was the case, why are they selling them? If they aren’t doing it themselves, then how do they know anything? I have personally done over 100 properties and I am still buying them. I believe that you need to go to areas that offer monthly income at a low cost. Speculators want you to rent break- even properties with the hope that you will make money in the future. Investors should and want to make money today! The other argument is you don’t get any appreciation on these properties. Again seeing the future thru their eyes. Hmm….. In the meantime your cash flow properties put money in your pocket every month. Well the question is, do you want to break-even or make money? Do you want to hope that the future is what they say, or what it is today?
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
Speculators are investors that think they know the future. Most don’t. My investing is based on today. What are rents, values, etc. today not what they maybe in the future. I hear investors and wholesalers tell people that this home will be worth this after you remodel and put a lot of your money into it. I always wonder if that was the case, why are they selling them? If they aren’t doing it themselves, then how do they know anything? I have personally done over 100 properties and I am still buying them. I believe that you need to go to areas that offer monthly income at a low cost. Speculators want you to rent break- even properties with the hope that you will make money in the future. Investors should and want to make money today! The other argument is you don’t get any appreciation on these properties. Again seeing the future thru their eyes. Hmm….. In the meantime your cash flow properties put money in your pocket every month. Well the question is, do you want to break-even or make money? Do you want to hope that the future is what they say, or what it is today?
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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