What is your savings plan today? You could use many types of investment vehicles.
One might be a bond at 3%-4% interest. Taking inflation into account you’ll be breaking even on that investment.
Stocks are another vehicle you can choose. Unless your portfolio is managed by a genius, you have probably taken a considerable loss this year.
I choose real estate. Today, the homes we are buying have a 30% cap rate, and a 50% return on equity. Compare that to the aforementioned investments and I think you might come to the same conclusion!
My wife and I have amassed $490,000 in equity with our real estate purchases in the last 3 years, and we are still buying. These are the same types of properties we are currently recommending to our clients.
Buying real estate in this down market will allow you to cash in on the best prices we have seen in years. When the market is good, real estate prices go sky high because everyone in the nation thinks they are real estate investors. However, some of the richest families in America have gotten that way in the worst of markets! Every analyst and financial guru will tell you to plan for your financial future. This is great advice, but the key to success is timing. No one can predict the future, but all indications point to the fact that NOW is the time to buy real estate
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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