Friday, June 5, 2009

Is Gender an issue?

While it is true that women face gender specific obstacles pertaining to investing, women hold the power to be extremely successful.
Statistically females face greater financial challenges than men: they live longer, they generally earn less and typically are more conservative with there investments. Also, psychologically women can be their own worst enemy: lack of self confidence, fear and putting other’s priorities ahead of their own, keep many women from joining the ranks of the financially free. All these things may be true, but does this mean that women face a bleak financial future? NO! For the vary reasons women are not consider contenders in the fortune and fame game, are the same reasons women can and are succeeding in the world of real estate investing.
Living longer only gives women more opportunity to become wealthy. Starting with less money only means that it may take women a little longer. But because women live longer they have the time. Conservatism leads to more research, which leads to fewer costly mistakes and bigger payoffs in the end. Lack of self confidence is easily overcome by taking advice from the experts and beginning with baby steps. Fear is a universal issue, only foolish investors do not experience this. Fear is only a factor, if it leads to paralysis. Knowledge and support through investment clubs and literature is a great way to work through fear. Prioritizing a secure financial future is a “no brainier” even for the most co-dependant among us.
My experience is that there are plenty of successful women investors out there. In our group, RooftopInvestment/ACFVIPA, more than half the membership consists of women. In my opinion, women are under recognized for their contribution to our economy through thriving real estate investment businesses.
- Lori Young, Valley Realty

My Trip to Lansing

Whenever, I travel to Lansing, Michigan I am pleasantly surprised. The media wants us to believe that the State of Michigan is uninhabitable and should be evacuated as soon as possible! But the way I see it, is that the neighborhoods are clean and nice, and the potential for investment is HUGE! Lansing is the capitol of one of the largest states in the union, is home to Michigan State University, the nation’s largest law school and industry is growing. A windmill factory just opened employing more than 2000 people. Sparrow Hospital continues to expand, while a new urban renewal project is prompting the redevelopment of downtown with high end lofts and condo’s. The city is thriving with numerous retail stores and restaurants; Biggby Coffee Houses and The Peanut Shoppe, to name two. Unbelievably, homes in great areas there are selling for below 15K!
In my opinion, this is a great area of opportunity! I walked through many potential investment homes and the quality is high. Most of these homes can be completed and cash flowing $300+ for under $25,000! This makes the risk very low and allows many investors to enter the market, that once could not afford to. In my opinion, how can you afford not to?
Our staff there is professional and can handle your investment with ease. The property Manger-Contractor understands our system and can help with all the details. Our agent is an investor himself, and knows how to find the best deals. I would highly recommend investing in Lansing. But do not delay. These conditions will not last forever!
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment

Listening to the right people

Getting the right message is essential for state of mind in both life and business. Anthony Robbins teaches this best, He recommends that the only people worth listening to are the one’s with a proven track record. Verify that they know what they are talking about. There are a lot of so called experts with many different opinions. Everyone has a right to there own opinion, but we have the right not to listen to them.
I remember in the late 80’s I listened to someone who informed me that I would get into major financial trouble if I kept buying investment properties. Unfortunately, I listened to them. If I would have done my home work and trusted my gut, I probably would have been retired by now.
So how to you know who to listen too? I had someone in one of my seminars interrupt my conversation with a potential client. He told the client that rental properties were a pain. I immediately ask him how many properties he had rented. He said none. ‘Nuff said.
When receiving advise make sure they have the experience to back up what they are saying. Would you go to a podiatrist to treat a headache? Of course not!
The real estate business is challenging enough. Be sure to receive counsel only from those who truly know what they are doing. Talk to people, do your homework and trust your gut. Ultimately, it is up to you to make the final decision. Take charge. Do not rely on the unreliable. Your financial future depends on it! Brett Young Valley Realty

Dealing with problems

Problems are just a part of doing business. It is how they are handled that can make the difference between success and failure. The creative problem solver can succeed against any adversity.
The creative problem solver has the ability to step back and take a non-emotional look at the issue, then formulate a creative plan to fix it.
Example: As the market turned here in Phoenix, my ability to make money as an investor decreased. I had to examine what I was doing, and how I was doing it. This lead me to the conclusion that I had to make some drastic changes or waste precious, profitable time sitting on the sidelines waiting. I believe in the saying, “when nothing changes, nothing changes”. Waiting just is not part of my DNA, so I took action.
Using my experience, I created a way that my clients and I could buy and profit from out of state investments. The “Turn Key System” was born. I took what I had been doing in Phoenix and applied it to a more profitable market, putting all the players needed in place. It has become so popular, that I have sold over 150 homes this way.
The key is to not become emotional, and use the brain and creativity that God has provided. It also helps to be nice.
Example: A few months ago, I had a contactor giving me a lot of grief. He made promises of deadlines, he did not keep. I wanted to wring his neck, but I kept my cool. I basically babysat him through completion of that job. My fear was creating further delays, by firing him. Once he was done, I simply never used him again on construction.
I later found out that his real skill was renting properties. He has leased 3 properties in two weeks and is currently working on another. Had I lost my cool and fired him, I would have never had the opportunity to use him in this manner. My patience has allowed me to put the right person in the right job, helping my business immensely.
Learning how to act and respond to problems can make or break you in this business. It will also help
Being a problem solver will change your world and help you not only live a better life but a more profitable life.
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment