Whatever type of business you are in a great team can be hard to replace. I know this from have two successful business's.
The way to build a great team is not simply going out and looking for them, but to also verify there work. People always tell people always tell me don't do that you'll offend them. So what! You must always want your team to be the best for your client. The client must always come first, this is what a great team means.
For example this weekend (Friday) we needed some work done on a home. My team didn't say they were out of town or shopping they took care of it. I personally took care of it before a movie started. We all got on the phone made a plan and the team executed it.
Everyone is a team player when it is convenient but when it isn't then you find out what type of team you have.
You must also make sure they are doing the quality of work you want. I always go out to each property and verify that the work was done and done properly. This saves my client time and money. It also ensures that we will get that property turned quicker and for top price.
Always make sure you praise your team when they are doing great. There will be times you will not be happy with the work so praising them when it is right keeps the floor even.
I had a client bring a friend to a home to look at our work (which was not completed) she got very nasty with my team. That will get you nowhere, it just gets people upset. We were their to look at the property and make some adjustments the client wanted. Being mean and nasty just will get nothing done and is very unproductive. We made the changes and left on a great note!
Listen to your teams ideas is always good to, because they are on the front lines and see things I may not see. Although the decision is always on my shoulders I always listen to my team. We had one team member on Friday that gave me a great idea on rentals and we will be implementing it this week! Being a know it all really hurts your chances of learning new stuff for you and your client.
So remember building a great team means you need to listen and verify all the task they do. Your client is always the most important reason for any decision your team or you makes. Always benefit your client and you'll have a great team in place.
Brett A Young
Real Estate Investment
Valley Realty and Rooftopprofitmax.com