I hear a lot of Realtors and real estate investors say that they will not be working in December. In fact some just take the whole month off. December has a lot less buyers and creates an environment of great buys. I had one fellow Realtor tell me to just shut done shop and take the total winter off. I of course did not do that, I went on with my business.
Some banks close out their yearly books in December and want to unload some assets that doesn't perform in there portfolio, this creates great buys for you as an investor. They all the sudden have more time to get your deals done.
Come January people get there tax checks rolling and buying home suddenly becomes popular again. December everyone is having a great time and not thinking about the future.
I say that's the best time to do both. Have fun and get some great Christmas gifts called discounted real estate. Banks and sellers don't have the volume in December which allows your deals to be more of a priority.
I've got some of my greatest deals in December. In fact December was my biggest month a couple of years. December has less competitors for real estate. People travel a lot and attend many functions for the Holiday season.
People also want to sell their real estate in December. Making offers on properties that have been on the market a long time may land you a great deal. Looking at great deals on the first day on the market in December may get you another great buy! People seem to be in the mood and that helps you get these deals done.
Just remember that my offices are always open in December and looking for great deals. Me and my clients are always looking for great deals 12 months out of the year. Consider December a bonus month for great buys and having fun at your Holiday Parties!
Brett A Young
Real Estate Investment
Valley Realty
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