New real estate ideas for 2012
I've always been an idea guy that tried to always think of new ways to generate income for my clients. This year will be no different, we have some brand-new and great ideas coming out for our clients to maximize their profit. When you have ideas you have to kind of look for the future for 2012, so I want to go over a few things that I think may happen this year.
I think as realtors and real estate investors we should be watching the lending part of real estate. Right now the regulations are very tight and few people can get mortgages. I think in 2012 they will be losing it up, and make a little easier for people to get mortgages. That's exciting as an investor because that means prices will be going up.
I don't expect the first half of 2012 to be much different than last year, but it is an election year and things need to happen. I believe that Washington will finally figure out that people need to get mortgages. So they'll be the first thing I'll be watching for in 2012.
Rooftop investment will be coming out with some new areas to buy in, and some different type of real estate the cash flows. Our goal is to get our clients a 15% or better return on their cash flow net income. We do not count the equity only the net cash flow on your investment amount. This is a buyers market and in a buyers market there are great deals on real estate. Also in a buyers market it's a great rental market, if people can’t get mortgages they have to rent or lease option. So until the banks figured out that people need mortgages, we make our clients 15% or better and show people through lease options how to buy their homes at a later date.
Rooftop investment generates over $1 million a year in gross rent and lease option receipts so we know that there are people out there that like to rent or lease option. I read a lot of history on real estate and the people that made a lot of in Real Estate Investing, I noticed the richest ones did it during the trying times. I believe that we are close to ending those trying times and now may be a great time to get into the real estate game., 2012 could be the turning year that the banks and mortgage companies start lending again.
I heard a prominent realtor tell the news that he had talked to the lenders and they told him that many new mortgage products are coming down the chute. That's great news for investors and sellers, that means that prices will be going up on real estate in the latter part of 2012. That's just a prediction , I can never really figure out what Washington does half the time anyway. But I do think that they will have to address the real estate issue (being an election year) because there is a lot of wealth and jobs there attached to our industry.
So as you go today celebrate this New Year and remember that there are a lot of new and exciting ideas to make money in 2012. I know I'm looking forward to making money in 2012 and having a banner year. In closing I would like to wish all my readers a very Happy New Year. Brett Young Rooftopinvestment.com
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