My Valley Realty Partner and I had ran a very expensive ad in the yellow pages. The ad was $2300 a month that got us a lot of great buys. One in particular was in Maryville.
A lady had a domestic violence issue with her estranged husband that just got out of jail. I'm sure he was a great find a some point in his life : } I went to talk to her and informed her not only what I would pay but what she could get on the open market if she wanted to do some work on the home. She informed me that her quick exit would be the best thing for her to do. When your doing this type of deal you want to make sure that you can wholesale it and or flip it. In this case I decided to wholesale it.
I figured Valley Realty could make $30,000 and the client could make about that much too. I knew that because I was doing the construction and knew what the cost would be. I immediately sold the home and made a quick $30,000. We then had to back up what we said and get the home done and sold. Which we did and the client made a great return on his investment. When your looking at doing wholesale properties make sure the company or person selling it has all the proper numbers put together.
Heres an example they should have an inspection and quote for all work being done before you close (if in escrow make sure it is done before the inspection period is over). Then look at the sold properties in that area and make sure that the numbers match up. Remember the home needs to be sold. You may also want the whole seller to have some vested interest. Check his references also, don't get all excited and emotional on a buy make sure you have all the facts before closing!
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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