When you decide to start a business , there are many things you need to know in order to be successful. The first is knowing your product.
Goober Pet World, (now Goober Pet Direct) was a home delivery pet food service that owned. I had built it to over 6000 customers when I sold it. One reason I had so many customers is that I knew my products. Goober had over 300 types of pet food, with many off brands. These brands came from large companies, usually $60 million plus in revenue. If a customer called wanting Science Diet Maintenance, I had that. But, I also had another brand called Diamond Maintenance. It was formulated almost exactly like Science Diet. The only real difference was the price. I would sometimes be able to switch the customer to my brand, Diamond.
That did a lot for my business. I was one of the few companies that carried the Diamond line of food. My company was the only one that could deliver the Diamond product anywhere in the Phoenix Metro Area. That gave me a big boost. Anyone, anywhere could buy from me in the Phoenix Metro Area.
It is like that in real estate, I know Construction, Lease Optioning, Renting, Property Management, Private Lending, and much more. This allows me a larger market share, because I know my product. I was not satisfied only knowing certain aspects of real estate. I had to know everything about it. This in depth knowledge allows me to be the expert. And that knowledge is valuable.
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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