When your doing marketing do your homework. Their are all types of ways to advertise your product. I'm going to go over a few successful ways I carved out a great income from my advertising.
The first is postcards. With the birth of the Internet this path is lessor traveled. I had just started in real estate and started sending out 150 postcards a week. They were basically for listing properties. I consistently sent them out for 10 weeks with no success. On the eleventh week I got a call from a gentleman that needed a lot sold. I listed and sold that lot. He then let me sell a home and bought two more homes from me after that. He was a plumber by trade and called me on a home he was re plumbing and wanted to know what it was worth. I informed him of the value and he said the owner would sell it to him at a considerable discount.
I was searching for a home in that area at the time and offered him $10,000 over what he was paying for it. He sold the property to me and I remodeled it and lived their for two years. After that property was sold I made over $75,000 from that one post card that I continue to send out today.
Another great way to advertise is social networks. You can network and find people with common interest and potential clients. The biggest asset that it brings you is notarization. It shows people that you have a presence in the market and brands your name and business. People need to see your name a few times to trust it and remember it. So social networking can help get your business, website, blogs, and events out the the world.. It will at least get some new traffic in your business.
The last one I want to talk in this article is events and having events. Meetup.com has boatloads of these events. You can find meetings that you may get business from. You can also find social meetup's and hobby type stuff. You can join these meetings and you'll get their schedules. I would always have business cards in my pocket when you go to these types of meetings. That's just another sign you can put out their when your at these meetings. Meetup does cost some money but is well worth it.
You can also create your own events that can meet up weekly, monthly or whenever you want. These meetings do take a while to build a following but does keep you in direct contact with your clients. So if you have a slow start don't quit be consist ant and run your meetings at least monthly. I had three at my first one and sold 6 homes to two people that where at that meeting. Have an interesting information and always be at the top of your game when you have these type of meetings. Set up an affiliate program with your business to create word of mouth growth for your group. All that is paying people to refer people to your business. Be creative when growing your company.
Other event social sites Facebook, Craigslist, Oodle and I'm sure their are more!!
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
The first is postcards. With the birth of the Internet this path is lessor traveled. I had just started in real estate and started sending out 150 postcards a week. They were basically for listing properties. I consistently sent them out for 10 weeks with no success. On the eleventh week I got a call from a gentleman that needed a lot sold. I listed and sold that lot. He then let me sell a home and bought two more homes from me after that. He was a plumber by trade and called me on a home he was re plumbing and wanted to know what it was worth. I informed him of the value and he said the owner would sell it to him at a considerable discount.
I was searching for a home in that area at the time and offered him $10,000 over what he was paying for it. He sold the property to me and I remodeled it and lived their for two years. After that property was sold I made over $75,000 from that one post card that I continue to send out today.
Another great way to advertise is social networks. You can network and find people with common interest and potential clients. The biggest asset that it brings you is notarization. It shows people that you have a presence in the market and brands your name and business. People need to see your name a few times to trust it and remember it. So social networking can help get your business, website, blogs, and events out the the world.. It will at least get some new traffic in your business.
The last one I want to talk in this article is events and having events. Meetup.com has boatloads of these events. You can find meetings that you may get business from. You can also find social meetup's and hobby type stuff. You can join these meetings and you'll get their schedules. I would always have business cards in my pocket when you go to these types of meetings. That's just another sign you can put out their when your at these meetings. Meetup does cost some money but is well worth it.
You can also create your own events that can meet up weekly, monthly or whenever you want. These meetings do take a while to build a following but does keep you in direct contact with your clients. So if you have a slow start don't quit be consist ant and run your meetings at least monthly. I had three at my first one and sold 6 homes to two people that where at that meeting. Have an interesting information and always be at the top of your game when you have these type of meetings. Set up an affiliate program with your business to create word of mouth growth for your group. All that is paying people to refer people to your business. Be creative when growing your company.
Other event social sites Facebook, Craigslist, Oodle and I'm sure their are more!!
Brett young
Valley Realty
Owner/ CEO Roof Top Investment
Real Estate Investment
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