When your doing any kind of business you should plan to see some clients from time to time. I am a Realtor that sells investment real estate to investors all over the world. From time to time they fly in and want to see some of their properties, some new areas and potential new investments they can purchase.
As a Realtor I need to prepare with my staff to make sure we have the trip all planned out. That doesn't mean just showing them the properties they want to buy or own. You also need to show them some fun in your area. For example on Friday night we took our clients out to a Amish restaurant. They not only got some great Amish food, they also got to see some of the great Amish traditions that were in that area. On Saturday night one of the Partners Tim had a friend at the Improv. Which was very fun plus Tim's friend Tammy (the headline comedian) came out and met our investors after the show! Great way to end our clients trip!
During their stay we also picked them up daily (2 days) at their Hotel. I went to Starbucks before hand and picked up some refreshments for the drive to the first property. During the drive I had properties for them to look at on the way. We also discussed what they liked and didn't like.
Me and Tim planned out how many homes we could look at in each area and still have daylight at the end of the day. We looked at many homes and sold3-4 homes on this trip. The clients appreciated that we rolled the red carpet out to them and planned their whole trip including evenings.
All this was work but we enjoyed their company, and we had time to meet with each one of them individually . They came away with a very positive outlook on our area. We came away with learning a lot about them and their needs.
By showing them some fun spots in our city and taking the investors to some of them in the evening we sold 4 homes. Remember knowing a client takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. In the end you have to work hard, but you will also have a lot of fun doing it! Brett Young WWW.Rooftopprofitmax.com
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