I'm always hearing that real estate is going down in this long rescission we are having. Although that may be true you still have to look at the opportunity of buying investment real estate in this type of market.
The first opportunity is how affordable it is. This is the first time in my 25 year career that practically anyone can get into the real estate game. I moved 3000 miles because of the opportunities in this market.
The second is that everyone needs a place to live. If you get into the right areas the demand can be very high for rentals and flips. In some areas rental rates has stayed the same and the price of real estate has not effected the rental rates. That makes your cash flow very good. We are seeing 20% and up on rental returns. Remember Location,Location,location
The third is your end game. When the market turns and it will, if you have some of this quality low priced real estate you will make a fortune. We are seeing .25 to .30 on the dollar for our homes and multi plex's. We believe that our clients could make 70%-200% on their investments when the market turns.
You can also make a handsome profit on land contracts. With the banks not lending this market has really spiked. We are seeing 10%-15% returns. These homes have no maintenance and you will net a very healthy profit. So being a bank can make you a lot of money in both cash flow and when they cash out at the end of the contract.
The last thing I want to talk about is buyers of these investment properties. In a good market their are literally thousands. I remember in 2003-2006 you need to bid on 100 homes to get 1 or 2. You made great money on them but it took a long time to get them. You also had to get with the right people that was very rare.
Today you can get a home in a much shorter period. It still takes some time but you will get one pretty quickly. That's because the Rooftop team is out their everyday looking at the new deals and some older ones also. So that means that you will be able to get a lot of real estate in this type of market.
So what are you waiting for? Today's market is a great cash flow machine that is waiting to put money in your pocket. Brett Young Valley Realty WWW.Rooftopprofitmax.com
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