There is a lot of work and customer service the customer never hears about. Things you need to take care of, that the client doesn't even know about.
We had an electrical problem with a duplex that required me to spend a lot of time to get this problem resolved. No profit for me, but it effected my clients bottom line. Taking care of it made my client more money and they did not have to deal with it.
Starting a business is hard to do, but I think maintaining it is even harder. This requires the day to day operations and looking how to maintain and make your process even better.
Our company just installed a new marketing assistant that we hired. All his job is to take care of all the new rentals and vacancies. This allowed our management company to focus on showing and managing the properties. It also rented our units faster so our clients can make more money on their investment property.
We also set up a new auditing system for rehab and repairs to ensure everything was finished and up to our clients standards. This also made the properties rent faster. For example one of my contractors came up with the idea to decorate the bathrooms in one of our freshly rehabbed duplex's. We showed the property twice and it was fully rented in 10 days! The main thing the tenants liked was the bathrooms and how they looked! We have now implemented that into all our new rentals. The auditing system picked up that very important information.
This is just a few ways I maintain my business. Always looking out for your client will create a great income for you! Maybe not today, but if you stick with it the future becomes unlimited! Maintaining your day to day business, will give you more time to get new business because your old ones are happy! Brett Young WWW.Rooftopprofitmax.com
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